Over The Counter Psoriasis Treatment - Cost Effective Relief For Your Skin- By: Oscar B Dewsbury

Description : If you suffer from psoriasis, you have probably considered trying out some over the counter psoriasis treatments. Not only are they generally cheaper than prescription meds, but they often come fewer potential side effects. Here are a few popular choices for over the counter psoriasis relief:

OTC Steroid Creams

Although the use of steroid creams as a treatment are often only available when prescribed by your doctor, there are steroid based topical products available without a prescription. Hydrocortisone cream is a topical over the counter psoriasis treatment which uses the same active ingredient as prescription steroid creams, albeit with a much lower concentration. This makes them generally safer to use, and very useful for cases of psoriasis that only cover small areas of skin. They can be found under various different brand names, and your pharmacist will be able to help you to choose the most suitable one for you. As with any topical steroid product, you should always be careful about the possible side effects of over use and long term reliance on them.

Coal Tar

Coal tar has gained a reputation for being a particularly effective over the counter psoriasis treatment. It works by slowing down the rapid production of skin cells that results in the scaly red patches of inflamed skin that characterises the condition. This in turn reduces the scaly appearance of the skin as well as the inflammation that comes with it. Coal tar can be found in many products, such as shampoos, soaps and ointments, and the higher the concentration of coal tar a product contains the more effective it will generally be.

A few side effects of using coal tar products do exist, most notably the fact that its use does make the skin more sensitive to sunlight. For this reason you should keep an eye on how much exposure to the sun your skin is getting when using a coal tar product, and consider using sunscreen when outdoors too. A few people also find that coal tar irritates the skin, and if you do experience this you should avoid using it further. Most people find coal tar to be a safe and generally effective over the counter treatment for psoriasis, albeit one that does have a slightly unpleasant odour, and can even stain your clothing and bedding if it comes into contact with them.

Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is the active ingredient found in many dandruff shampoos and acne soap products. It is effective for these conditions by helping to remove the outer layers of skin. When used as a treatment for psoriasis, salicylic acid works by softening and removing the scales on the outer surface of the skin. Although it is easy to appreciate how this does little to deal with the root cause of the problem of psoriasis, it is a useful over the counter remedy for fairly mild cases.

Whilst these are probably the most common solutions, you will find that there are many more different over the counter psoriasis treatment options on the table. As with any disease for which there is no cure, finding a treatment that works for you will usually involve some trial and error. The main thing is that you should remain positive, especially if your first few attempts at treating your condition fail. Many treatments do take time to start to show results too, and so you should try to be patient when trying out something new.

Article Source : http://www.look4articles.com/

Author Resource : Learn more about nature inspired psoriasis treatments, and be sure to click here now to become enlightened!